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  SQL Server Tips by Burleson

Code Highlights

The code is pretty straightforward and uses the various parameters to set the attributes of the CDO message before it is sent. Some of the highlights include:

Use is made of the various XP++ macros to access the values in the ‘XP_VARIANT_PARAMETER’ structure. For example:

TCHAR* pszFrom = XP_TTEXT(m_pParameterData[FROM_INDEX].m_Data);
msg->From = pszFrom;

Special consideration needs to be given to the optional parameters. For example to use the ‘CC’ parameter, the following code is used:

if (m_pParameterData[CC_INDEX].m_bType != SRVNULL)
TCHAR* pszCC = XP_TTEXT(m_pParameterData[CC_INDEX].m_Data);
msg->CC = pszCC;

In addition some parameters, which are declared as optional in the parameter map become required, depending on the values of other parameters. For example if Basic Authentication is used to send the email, then the @User and @Password parameters to the XP should be achieved. This is accomplished using the following code:

case CDO::cdoBasic:
msg->Configuration->Fields->Item[_bstr_t("")]->Value = _variant_t(nAuthentication);
bRequiresFieldUpdate = TRUE;

if (m_pParameterData[USER_INDEX].m_bType == SRVNULL)
sprintf(szErrorMsg, "%s: \"@User\" parameter is required if using Basic Authentication", m_szFunctionName);
return FALSE;

The above book excerpt is from:

Super SQL Server Systems
Turbocharge Database Performance with C++ External Procedures

ISBN: 0-9761573-2-2
Joseph Gama, P. J. Naughter  

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